PreOrder Boss is designed to give your customers a seamless pre-order experience and enable you to keep selling more Products even when you're out of stock. The pre-order app is fast to install and super easy to use.

You can customize your pre-order app to accommodate your unique business needs and fit your Store's branding. For more convenience, you can create pre-order settings profiles, add different pre-orders to different Product Variants, set up pre-order limits, auto-correct prices, and much more.

To add a pre-order with custom settings to your Products and Product Variants, first, go to Apps from your Shopify Admin Panel's navigation menu and then click to open the PreOrder Boss app.

After that, go to Products to open the list of your Store Products and then click on the Gear Icon next to the preferred Product for which you want to specify custom pre-order settings.

Next, specify the preferred custom pre-order settings for the selected Product: 

Profile: You can select one of the available Pre-Order Settings Profiles with predefined pre-order settings. To specify custom pre-order settings, click on the Set Custom Settings radio button.

Button Text: The text that will be displayed on the customized pre-order button when it's activated.

Button Message: The text that will be displayed when hovering your cursor over the customized pre-order button.

Price Settings: You can specify different Product and Variant prices for regular orders and pre-orders:

  • Keep Same: The Product's price for regular order and pre-order will remain unchanged.
  • Custom Price: The Product's price will be auto-updated to the custom price when the pre-order is activated.
  • Increase: The Product's price will be increased by the specified amount once the pre-order is activated.
  • Decrease: The Product's price will be decreased by the specified amount once the pre-order is activated.

Pre-Order Quantity Limit: You can set up a limit for how many times a Product can be pre-ordered before it is shown as Sold Out. Thus, once the Product is out of stock and then it reaches the specified Pre-Order Quantity Limit, this Product will be shown as Sold Out in your Store.

Pre-Order is Active: You can set up a scheduled Start Date and End Date for the given pre-order. NOTE: If you specify pre-order's Start Date without specifying its End Date, this pre-order will be automatically enabled on the specified Start Date and will keep working until disabled manually. 

Click on the Active Now radio button so that pre-order can be enabled and activated for the given Product today.

Display Estimated Availability Date: This allows you to set up a notification under the pre-order button that will inform your customers when the given Product will be available for a regular order.

If a Product has multiple Variants, you can simultaneously apply the same pre-order settings to all Variants of this Product. To do so, simply specify the preferred pre-order settings and enable pre-order for the given Product. 

For your convenience and an extra layer of customization, you can also specify different pre-order settings for different Variants of the same Product. To add different pre-order settings to different Product Variants, click on the Drop Down Menu Arrow button next to the preferred Product and then click on the Gear Icon next to the Variant whose pre-order settings you want to adjust.

NOTE: After adjusting the Product's pre-order settings, enable pre-order for the given Product and its Variants by switching on the corresponding pre-order switch(es).

The Pre-Order Enabled status indicates that pre-order is enabled for the given Product or Product Variant, and once it is out of stock, pre-order will be automatically activated. The Pre-Order Active status indicates that the Product or Product Variant is out of stock, and pre-order has been automatically activated for this Product or Product Variant.

When pre-order is enabled for the Product, and this Product runs out of stock, pre-order will be automatically activated for the given Product based on the specified settings. In your Storefront, the regular Add to Cart and Buy It Now buttons will be automatically replaced by the corresponding customized Pre-Order Button. If you specified different prices for regular orders and pre-orders, the given Product will automatically have the corresponding pre-order price.

Provided that you've specified a Pre-Order Quantity Limit, once this limit is reached, the Pre-Order Button will be automatically replaced by the standard Shopify's Sold Out Button.